Morgens Waterfall (Morgens, Waterfall, Vintiadis & Company, Inc.) was founded in the late ‘60s by Ned Morgens and Bruce Waterfall and became SEC-registered in 1997. The firm’s long/short equity strategy focuses on seeking to identify rapidly growing companies with sustainable growth. Building on a multi-generational legacy, Morgens Waterfall possesses the vision and methodology to thrive in today’s evolving investment landscape. Level was approached to design a visual identity and pitch deck that would encapsulate the company persona and mission.

Morgens Waterfall strives for alpha generation on both longs and shorts, utilizing an equity long-short strategy centered on growth and disruption, and based on an extensive research process. The company provides superior insight and foresight, bolstered by consistency, conviction, and patience.




brand positioning strategy, concept, design 

To create the Morgens Waterfall identity we began by exploring the use of monogram as a design device at the request of the client. The final result yielded a monogram and typographic lockup that literally and figuratively reflected the ethos and mission of the founders while leaning into a more modern visual language to reflect a more modern vision and methodology.

A knock out version of the logo was created for additional use cases where the logo could survive on a dark ground.